Docker (software)

From David's Wiki
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Docker is a service for creating and managing linux containers.
Containers are the application layer of an OS and whatever software you're trying to run.

The container itself contains the code to be run along with the environment.
Anything which needs state is mounted as a volume to the container.




Install Script


  • Upgrade Windows to 2004 or newer
  • Install and enable WSL2
  • Install Docker Desktop


Get Started


How to write a dockerfile

CLI Usage


For the most part, you don't need to worry about images as docker run and docker-compose will download and build images for you as needed.

# List images.
docker image ls

# Prune unused images.
docker image prune -a

# Copy image.
docker tag $SOURCE $TARGET
docker push $TARGET
  • Pruning with docker system prune will also delete images.
  • Omitting -a will only prune dangling (untagged) images.


docker container ls


docker run <container>
  • -p hostport:containerport to do port forwarding
    • To restrict listing to localhost use -p
  • -it to be interactive with a pseudo-tty


docker stats Returns information about container cpu usage, memory usage, network usage, and disk usage.


The default mode for networking is bridge. You should leave this for most of your containers.


In bridge mode, the docker service acts as a NAT and gives each container a separate local IP along with the docker host.
On linux, you can type ip a to see the ip address of the docker0 network interface.
On my server, it is

To access services running on the host (such as MySQL or Postgres), you will need to make these services listen on this network interface and allow it through your firewall. I suggest using qoomon/docker-host which can redirect network traffic to the host.

When using docker-compose, services can access each other using their service name as the hostname. However, the port needs to be exposed in the compose file.


In this mode, docker processes have full access to your network. This can cause port conflicts if you are not careful. Furthermore, your docker service will have full access to your localhost. I do not recommend using this mode for most things.


See docker guide


  1. Go to nvidia-container-runtime and add the repo
  2. Install nvidia-container-runtime


Add --gpus all to your docker run command.


See issue.

            - driver: nvidia
              count: 1
              capabilities: [gpu]


Notes on using docker with windows

Git bash paths

When mounting paths using git bash, you need to prepend a / to $(pwd)


Docker compose allows you to specify multiple docker services into a single docker-compose.yml file and run them all together.
You can also use it to setup docker commands instead of listing options in a shell script.

# Create a folder for your service and cd into it
# Make the docker-compose file.

# Run (i.e. build, create, and start)
docker-compose up -d

# Stop
docker-compose down

# Upgrade
docker-compose pull # Optional, reduces downtime
docker-compose up --force-recreate --build -d
docker image prune -f
  • Note that docker-compose restart will just restart existing containers. It will not recreate them.

Compose file reference

Compose file

See Compose file specification.

Previously, the Compose file (docker-compose.yml) required a version. Version 2 and version 3 had different options and not all options from version 2 were available in version 3. However, as of docker-compose v1.27+, you should no longer specify a version and options from both versions are supported.

Example docker-compose.yml

Accessing the Host

Sometimes you may have services running on the host which you want to access from a container.
See docker-host for a container which can access the host.

Add the following to your docker compose to expose port 8201 to other containers:

    image: qoomon/docker-host
      - NET_ADMIN
      - NET_RAW
  • You do not need to add expose.

By default, networks are allocated with ip ranges:

  • with size /16
  • with size /20

If you want this to be more consistent, you can change it as follows: Set the following in /etc/docker/daemon.json:


Then restart your docker: sudo systemctl restart docker and prune networks docker network prune.
Next, in your firewall, allow connections to your localhost from

ufw allow from to any comment "from_docker"


The official Docker registry is Docker Hub.
However, Docker Hug has rate limits of 100 pulls per 6 hours.

Alternative public registries:


If you want your builds to be fast on CICD, you have to setup caching.

In particular you should:

  • Enable buildkit by setting the environment variable DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1
  • Use --cache-from in your build.
  • Setup external caching, e.g. with --build-arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1.
    • Use --arg BUILDKIT_INLINE_CACHE=1 if using docker buildx build.
  • For multistage builds, cache each stage in your container registry.

Useful Services

  • is a tool which will automatically update your docker containers when new images are published. It also has an http endpoint to trigger checks manually e.g. from CI/CD.

My Images

I have a few custom container images below:
