Natural language processing

From David's Wiki
Revision as of 20:24, 5 November 2019 by David (talk | contribs) (→‎Google Bert)
\( \newcommand{\P}[]{\unicode{xB6}} \newcommand{\AA}[]{\unicode{x212B}} \newcommand{\empty}[]{\emptyset} \newcommand{\O}[]{\emptyset} \newcommand{\Alpha}[]{Α} \newcommand{\Beta}[]{Β} \newcommand{\Epsilon}[]{Ε} \newcommand{\Iota}[]{Ι} \newcommand{\Kappa}[]{Κ} \newcommand{\Rho}[]{Ρ} \newcommand{\Tau}[]{Τ} \newcommand{\Zeta}[]{Ζ} \newcommand{\Mu}[]{\unicode{x039C}} \newcommand{\Chi}[]{Χ} \newcommand{\Eta}[]{\unicode{x0397}} \newcommand{\Nu}[]{\unicode{x039D}} \newcommand{\Omicron}[]{\unicode{x039F}} \DeclareMathOperator{\sgn}{sgn} \def\oiint{\mathop{\vcenter{\mathchoice{\huge\unicode{x222F}\,}{\unicode{x222F}}{\unicode{x222F}}{\unicode{x222F}}}\,}\nolimits} \def\oiiint{\mathop{\vcenter{\mathchoice{\huge\unicode{x2230}\,}{\unicode{x2230}}{\unicode{x2230}}{\unicode{x2230}}}\,}\nolimits} \)

Natural language processing (NLP)

Classical NLP

The Classical NLP consists of creating a pipeline using processors to create annotations from text files.
Below is an example of a few processors.

  • Tokenization
    • Convert a paragraph of test or a file into an array of words.
  • Part-of-speech annotation
  • Named Entity Recognition

Machine Learning

Datasets and Challenges


The Stanford Question Answering Dataset. There are two versions of this dataset, 1.1 and 2.0.


Attention is all you need paper
A neural network architecture by Google. It is currently the best at NLP tasks and has mostly replaced RNNs for these tasks.

Google Bert

Github Link Paper Blog Post
BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding
A pretrained NLP neural network. Note the code is written in TensorFlow 1.


Apache OpenNLP
