No Install
Use Overleaf to create latex documents in a web browser.
Partial Install
Download MikTex. It includes the TeXworks editor and will download packages as you use them. This will not take up as much disk space as a full install.
Full Install
Download TexLive. This is several gigabytes since it includes all the popular LaTex packages and takes a while to install. You'll also need an editor. I recommend installing Atom with the following packages:
for calling the TexLive compilerlanguage-latex
for syntax highlightingpdf-view
for viewing the compiled pdf.
sudo apt install texlive-full
Compile tex documents with
pdflatex [mydocument.tex]
Fancy Math Font
See this answer.
% Use mathbb for the set of reals R or the set of complex numbers C
% Requires amsfonts