Nextcloud is a self-hosted cloud solution. It is a fork of ownCloud by the original founder.
It is open-source under AGPL-3.
Moving data directory
Nextcloud doesn't include a clean built-in way to migrate data.
The proper way to do it is to fix all the paths in the Nextcloud database. However, this is slightly complicated and prone to errors.
The easy way is to create a symlink:
sudo -u www-data php /path/to/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --on mkdir -p /new/path/to/data rsync -a /path/to/data/. /new/path/to/data mv /path/to/data /path/to/dataBackup ln -s /new/path/to/data /path/to/data chown -h www-data:www-data /path/to/data # To set symlink ownership chown -R www-data:www-data /new/path/to/data # To set actual data dir ownership sudo -u www-data php /path/to/nextcloud/occ maintenance:mode --off
NextCloud comes with its own WYSIWYG markdown editor.
If you prefer to type markdown yourself, do the following:
- Disable the "Text" app
- Install the "Plain text editor" app
- Install the "Markdown Editor" app
Markdown does not have a Latex app.