Reading Papers
Things to look for when reading papers.
How I read papers
I'm not very experienced but here is how I read papers:
- Watch their video.
- Their video will give a high-level summary. Usually video explanations are faster/easier to understand.
- Sometimes they show their results. Pay attention to problems in their results.
- If they don't have a video, look for a third-party one on YouTube.
- Read the abstract.
- Look through all figures and captions.
- Read the Intro and Methods.
- Tells you the problem they're addressing and their approach to addressing it.
- What is the input to and output of their pipeline?
- Read the Related Works section.
- This gives you an idea of what others have tried.
- Read the Evaluation section.
- Usually this is just a bunch of tables and numbers but it can give you links to datasets and a reference for some benchmarks.