\( \newcommand{\P}[]{\unicode{xB6}} \newcommand{\AA}[]{\unicode{x212B}} \newcommand{\empty}[]{\emptyset} \newcommand{\O}[]{\emptyset} \newcommand{\Alpha}[]{Α} \newcommand{\Beta}[]{Β} \newcommand{\Epsilon}[]{Ε} \newcommand{\Iota}[]{Ι} \newcommand{\Kappa}[]{Κ} \newcommand{\Rho}[]{Ρ} \newcommand{\Tau}[]{Τ} \newcommand{\Zeta}[]{Ζ} \newcommand{\Mu}[]{\unicode{x039C}} \newcommand{\Chi}[]{Χ} \newcommand{\Eta}[]{\unicode{x0397}} \newcommand{\Nu}[]{\unicode{x039D}} \newcommand{\Omicron}[]{\unicode{x039F}} \DeclareMathOperator{\sgn}{sgn} \def\oiint{\mathop{\vcenter{\mathchoice{\huge\unicode{x222F}\,}{\unicode{x222F}}{\unicode{x222F}}{\unicode{x222F}}}\,}\nolimits} \def\oiiint{\mathop{\vcenter{\mathchoice{\huge\unicode{x2230}\,}{\unicode{x2230}}{\unicode{x2230}}{\unicode{x2230}}}\,}\nolimits} \)

Node.js is a JavaScript environment based on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node Package Manager (npm) is used to manager node packages installed on your computer or used in your node projects. An alternative to npm is yarn.



Just download the latest LTS release from the Node.js website


Using the Node Version Manager (nvm) is recommended. This does not require sudo as nvm is installed in your home directory.

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/master/install.sh | bash
# Reload .bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
nvm install --lts node
nvm install-latest-npm


JavaScript files can be run directly using node index.js


To add node packages to an new project. Use npm init
To download the dependencies for a node project, run npm install or npm ci.
npm install installs the latest dependencies listed in package.json subject to the requirements listed in that file. It also updates package-lock.json.
npm ci installs exact versions from the package-lock.json.