Generative adversarial network

Revision as of 18:55, 15 January 2020 by David (talk | contribs)
\( \newcommand{\P}[]{\unicode{xB6}} \newcommand{\AA}[]{\unicode{x212B}} \newcommand{\empty}[]{\emptyset} \newcommand{\O}[]{\emptyset} \newcommand{\Alpha}[]{Α} \newcommand{\Beta}[]{Β} \newcommand{\Epsilon}[]{Ε} \newcommand{\Iota}[]{Ι} \newcommand{\Kappa}[]{Κ} \newcommand{\Rho}[]{Ρ} \newcommand{\Tau}[]{Τ} \newcommand{\Zeta}[]{Ζ} \newcommand{\Mu}[]{\unicode{x039C}} \newcommand{\Chi}[]{Χ} \newcommand{\Eta}[]{\unicode{x0397}} \newcommand{\Nu}[]{\unicode{x039D}} \newcommand{\Omicron}[]{\unicode{x039F}} \DeclareMathOperator{\sgn}{sgn} \def\oiint{\mathop{\vcenter{\mathchoice{\huge\unicode{x222F}\,}{\unicode{x222F}}{\unicode{x222F}}{\unicode{x222F}}}\,}\nolimits} \def\oiiint{\mathop{\vcenter{\mathchoice{\huge\unicode{x2230}\,}{\unicode{x2230}}{\unicode{x2230}}{\unicode{x2230}}}\,}\nolimits} \)

GANs are generative adversarial networks. They were developed by Ian Goodfellow.
Goal: Learn to generate examples from the same distribution as your training set.

Basis Structure

GANs consist of a generator and a discriminator.

For iteration i
  For iteration j
    Update Discriminator
  Update Generator


Conditional GAN

Feed data y to both generator and discriminator

Wasserstein GAN

Medium post
This new WGAN-GP loss function improves the stability of training.
Normally, the discriminator is trained with a cross-entropy with sigmoid loss function.
The WGAN proposes using Wasserstein distance which is implemented by removing the cross-entropy+sigmoid and clipping (clamp) the weights on the discriminator to a range \(\displaystyle [-c, c]\).
However, weight clipping leads to other issues which limit the critic.
Instead of clipping, WGAN-GP proposes gradient penalty to enforce 1-Lipschitz .





Github Official PyTorch Implementation
SinGAN: Learning a Generative Model from a Single Natural Image


MoCoGAN: Decomposing Motion and Content for Video Generation

Video Prediction

  • Dual Motion GAN (Liang et al. 2017)
    • Have a frame generator and a motion generator
    • Combine the outputs of both generators using a fusing layer
    • Trained using a frame discriminator and a motion discriminator. (Each generator are trained with both discriminators)

Image and Video Compression

Important Papers

  • GAN Dissection: Visualizing and Understanding Generative Adversarial Networks
    • Basically, each "unit" or channel of the intermediate representations correspond to some features like windows or trees
    • Dissection: Identifying which units correspond to features can be done by visualizing each channel as a heatmap. Then threshold the heatmap so each value is binary 0/1. Calculate the IOU between the heatmap and the segmented feature in the generated picture.
    • Intervention: By zeroing out channels, you can remove windows or trees from the generated image. Alternatively you can add windows or trees at specific locations by activating the neurons at that location.
    • This is fairly specific to CNN architectures where there is a locality correspondence between the intermediate representations and the output image.
